Artie Zillante

Artie Zillante
Professor and Chair, Department of Economics
Florida State University, Economics, 2004
Research Interest:
Dr. Zillante’s primary research interest is in using economic experiments to understand how changes in institutional arrangements and mechanism designs affect economic and social outcomes. His research to date has used the experimental method to examine these effects in auctions, lemons markets, and voting. Dr. Zillante is also interested in industrial organization research, particularly in intertemporal competitive practices.
Recent and/or Relevant Publications
Burge, G. and A. Zillante (forthcoming). Racial Discrimination or Statistical Discrimination? MLB Rookie Card Values and Performance Uncertainty. Social Science Quarterly
Fang, H., D. Shapiro, and A. Zillante (2016). An Experimental Study of Alternative Campaign Finance Systems: Transparency, Donations, and Policy Choice. Economic Inquiry 54:1, 485-507.
Zillante, A., P. Schwarz, and D. Read (2014). Land Aggregation using Contingent and Guaranteed Payments. Southern Economic Journal 80:3, 702-727.
Oprea, R., B. Wilson, and A. Zillante (2013). War of Attrition: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment on Market Exit. Economic Inquiry 51:4, 2018-2027.
Cooper, D. and A. Zillante (2012). A Comparison of Generalized Plurality Voting and Cumulative Voting. Public Choice 150:1-2, 363-383.
Areas of Research and Teaching Expertise
Economic Policy Economic Methods Economic Analysis Faculty Website