Cicily Hampton

Cicily Hampton
Master of Public Administration, American University
Research Interest:
Cicily’s research interests focuses on Economic Valuations and Assessments of Health Care, Health Information Technology, Health Care Reform, Racial and Ethnic Health Care Disparities, Improvement Standard, Observation Status, 24 Month Waiting Period for Medicare
When did you graduate?
May 2014
Current Job:
Deputy Director, Operations and Eligibility Services, UMWA Health and Retirement Funds
Prior job:
Director of Health Policy at the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)
What are your best memories about being a graduate student in the PPOL graduate program?
Philosophical talks with Dr. Brandon
What are the top 3 things you took away from the PPOL program?
My experience working with Dr. Brandon to evaluate the NC Medicaid program. Learning how to evaluate policy proposals using health economics. Learning to design and carry out program evaluations.
What advice would you give new students about how to succeed in graduate school?
Find a mentor and ask for what you need.
Any suggestions or tips for job search and preparing for going on the job market?
Have your resume and cover letter professionally written if you want to go into applied public policy.
What is your current job role and where?
Dr. Cicily Hampton, PhD Deputy Director, kdsfjslfl, UMWA Health and Retirement Fund
2121 K Street, NW
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20037, US
Preferred Point of Contact: