Jim Walsh

Jim Walsh
Political Science and Public Administration
Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Professor, Public Policy Doctoral Program
Faculty Website
James Igoe Walsh is Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His research interests include armed conflict and civil wars and international security cooperation and conflict. His work has been published by Columbia University Press, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, and other outlets. He serves as Lead Principal Investigator on the Minerva Research Initiative grant supporting the Resources and Conflict project.
Resources and Armed Conflict Project
- Walsh, James Igoe, and Marcus Schulzke. 2018. Drones and Support for the Use of Force. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2010. International Politics of Intelligence Sharing. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Media: The Atlantic, Washington Post, Quartz, The Briefing, Security Management, Remote Warfare Project.
- Named “Choice Outstanding Academic Title” for 2010.
- Reviewed in: International Studies Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, Perspectives on Politics, Studies in Intelligence, Military Review, Political Science Quarterly, Politique Etrangère.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2000. European Monetary Integration and Domestic Politics. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
- Reviewed in: Foreign Affairs, Contemporary European History, European Union Studies Association Review, West European Politics.
- Walsh, James Igoe, and Marcus Schulzke. 2015. The Ethics of Drone Strikes: Does Reducing the Cost of Conflict Encourage War? Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College.
- James Igoe Walsh. 2013. The Effectiveness of Drone Strikes in Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism Campaigns. Carlisle: Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2010. Media Attention to Terrorist Attacks: Causes and Consequences. Institute for Homeland Security Solutions Research Brief.
Articles and Chapters
- Whitaker, Beth Elise, James Igoe Walsh, and Justin M. Conrad. Forthcoming. Natural Resource Exploitation and Sexual Violence by Rebel Groups. Journal of Politics.
- Conrad, Justin M., Kevin T. Greene, James Igoe Walsh, and Beth Elise Whitaker. Forthcoming. Rebel Natural Resource Exploitation and Conflict Duration. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
- Walsh, James Igoe, Justin M. Conrad, Beth Elise Whitaker, and Katelin Hudak. 2018. Funding Rebellion: Introducing the Rebel Contraband Dataset 55:5, Journal of Peace Research, 699-707.
- Kearns, Erin, Christopher Federico, Victor Asal, Anthony Lemieux, and James Igoe Walsh. Forthcoming. Political Action as a Function of Grievances, Risk, and Social Identity: An Experimental Approach. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2018. The Rise of Targeted Killings. Journal of Strategic Studies41:1-2, 143-159.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2018. Is Technology the Answer? The Limits of Combat Drones in Countering Insurgents. In Coercion: The Power to Hurt in International Politics, ed. Kelly Greenhill and Peter Krause. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 160-176.
- Lemieux, Anthony, Erin Kearns, Victor Asal, and James Igoe Walsh. 2017. Support for Political Mobilization, Protest, and Terrorism in Egypt and Morocco: An Online Experimental Study. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 10:3, 124-142.
- Seyeditbari, Armin, Sara Levens, Cherie Maestas, Samira Shaikh, James Igoe Walsh, Wlodek Zadrozny, Christine Danis, and Onah P. Thompson. 2017. Cross Corpus Emotion Classification Using Survey Data. Proceedings of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior, pp. 152-156.
- Conrad, Courtenay, Justin Conrad, James A. Piazza, and James Igoe Walsh. 2017. Who Tortures the Terrorists? Transnational Terrorism and Military Torture. Foreign Policy Analysis 13:4, 761-786. Appendix.
- Media: Washington Post, openDemocracy.
- Asal, Victor, Michael Findley, James A. Piazza, and James Igoe Walsh. 2016. Political Exclusion, Oil, and Ethnic Armed Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 60:8, 1343-1367.
- Tao, Ran, Daniel Strandow, Michael Findley, Jean-Claude Thill, and James Igoe Walsh. 2016. A Hybrid Approach to Modeling Territorial Control in Violent Armed Conflicts. Transactions in GIS 20:3, 413-425.
- Media: Political Violence at a Glance.
- Walsh, James Igoe. 2015. Precision Weapons, Civilian Casualties, and Support for the Use of Force. Political Psychology 36:5, 507-523.