Roslyn Mickelson

Roslyn Mickelson
Chancellor's Professor
Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Sociology
Chancellor’s Professor, Public Policy Doctoral Program
Research Interest: ethnicity, race, gender, and social class to educational processes and outcomes, educational policy and school reform, school diversity and outcomes across the life course, gender, race, and STEM K-16+ outcomes.
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1984
Recent and/or Relevant Publications
- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. School Desegregation and Resegregation in Charlotte. 2015. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. Co-edited with Stephen Samuel Smith and Amy Hawn Nelson.
- Riel, V., Parcel, T., Mickelson, R., & Smith, S.S. (2018). Do Magnet and Charter Schools Exacerbate or Ameliorate Inequality? Sociology Compass, (12) 7,
- Rainey, R., Dancy, M., Mickelson, R.; Stearns, E., & Moller,. (2018). Race and Gender Differences in How Sense of Belonging Influences Decisions to Major in STEM,” International Journal of STEM Education, 5:10.
- Van Houtte, M., Vervaet, Roselien, Mickelson, R. A., & Stevens, P., (2018). The Ethnic Prejudice of Flemish Pupils: The Roles of School Gender Composition and Laddish Culture, Gender and Education.
- Bottia, M.C., Mickelson, R. & Stearns, E., & Moller (2017). “Boosting the Number of STEM Majors: The Role of High Schools with a STEM Program” Science Education Policy, 1-27
- Bottia, M.C., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E., Moller, S. & Giersch, J. “The Role of High School Racial Composition and Opportunities to Learn in Students’ STEM College Participation” (2017) Journal of Research in Science Teaching).
- Dancy, M., Rainey, K., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E. & and Moller, S. (2017). Influences of teaching style and perceived care of instructor on retention of underrepresented groups in STEM. Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference, Summer
- Banerjee, N., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R. & Moller, S. (2016). “Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Achievement: The Roles of Teacher Professional Collaboration in Schools, American Journal of Education, 123 (2)
- Bottia, M.C., Valentino, L., Moller, S., Mickelson, R. & Stearns, E. (2016) “Teacher Collaboration and Latinos’ Mathematics Achievement Trajectories” American Journal of Education, 122: 505-535.