Stephanie Moller

Stephanie Moller
Professor, Department of Sociology
Professor, Public Policy Doctoral Program
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
Research Interest:
She conducts research on income inequality within the United States and cross-nationally. She also conducts research on mathematics achievement in primary and secondary schools, examining racial, ethnic and socio-economic gaps in achievement. Dr. Moller has published numerous articles, including articles in the American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Social Science Research, Sociology of Education, and World Politics. She has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Education. She is a previous member of the Editorial Board of the American Sociological Review and the current Editor of Social Science Research.
Recent and/or Relevant Publications
Stephanie Moller, Roslyn Mickelson, Elizabeth Stearns, Neena Banerjee, and Martha Bottia. Forthcoming. “Collective Pedagogical Teacher Culture and Mathematics Achievement: Differences by Race, Ethnicity and Socio-Economic Status.” Sociology of Education Forthcoming.
Stephanie Moller and Joya Misra. Forthcoming. “Inequality“ in Kimberly Morgan and Christopher Howard (eds) Oxford Handbook of American Social Policy. Oxford University Press.
Joya Misra, Stephanie Moller, Eiko Strader, and Elizabeth Wemlinger. 2012. “Family Policies, Employment and Poverty among Partnered and Single Mothers.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30:113-128.
Stephanie Moller and Huiping Li. 2009. “Parties, Unions, Policies, and Occupational Segregation in the United states” Social Forces: 87: 1529-60.
Stephanie Moller, Arthur Alderson and François Nielsen. 2009. “Changing Patterns of Income Inequality in U.S. Counties” American Journal of Sociology: 114:1037-1101.
Areas of Research and Teaching Expertise
Social Policy Faculty Website