Eleonora Davalos

Eleonora Davalos
M.Sc. Environmental Economics. Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 2006.
Research Interest:
Eleanora’s research focuses on analyzing and designing social policies that contribute to reduce social inequity and promote human development in developing countries.
Ph.D. Expected:
May 2017
Current Research:
Eleonora’s current research projects include evaluating the effectiveness of the strategies used to control illicit crops; analyzing smallholder households’ motivations to join this activity; and studying the effects of illicit crop clusters on neighboring municipalities.
Dissertation Title:
Strategies, Incentives, and Decisions: Illicit Crops Control in Colombia Teaching Interests:
- Microeconomics
- Public Economics
- Econometrics
- International Society for the Study of Drug Policy Scholarship for Doctoral Students, ISSDP 2014
- Teaching Program for Doctoral Students Award, UNC Charlotte 2013
- Francisco José de Caldas Fellowship, Colciencias (Colombian Science and Technology Agency equivalent to NSF) 2012-2017
- Graduate Assistant Support Plan Award, Graduate School UNC Charlotte 2011-2014
Recent Publications:
- Davalos, E. (2016). New answers to an old problem: Social investment and coca crops in Colombia. International Journal of Drug Policy. Available at: http://www.ijdp.org/article/S0955-3959%2816%2930010-X/abstract
- Stearns, E., Bottia, M. C., Davalos, E., Mickelson, R. A., Moller, S., & Valentino, L. (2016). Demographic Characteristics of High School Math and Science Teachers and Girls Success in STEM. Social Problems, 3. Available at: http://socpro.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/01/08/socpro.spv027
- Davalos, E. (2007). Not so Sweet Sugar Cane. Desarrollo y Sociedad, 59, 117-164. Available at: https://ideas.repec.org/a/col/000090/004106.html
Conferences Attended:
- Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association—LACEA. October 2015 Santa Cruz, Bolivia. New answers to an old problem: Social investment and coca crops in Colombia
- Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, May 2014 Rome, Italy. New answers to an old problem: Social investment and coca crops in Colombia
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, November 2013 Washington, DC. Is social investment the answer to illicit crop cultivation?
- Annual American Political Science Association Conference, September 2012 New Orleans, LA. Teenage pregnancy in Latin America: Does the political representation of women matter?
- Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 2012 Chicago, IL. Explaining the drivers of teenage pregnancy in Latin America
Biographical Information:
Eleonora Davalos is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at UNC Charlotte. Her interest in social policy research is rooted in her fieldwork experience with vulnerable communities and local government officials in developing countries. Eleonora has been involved in the design and implementation of social development projects aiming to reduce poverty and promote social equity in several municipalities in Colombia. Eleonora holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia) and a Master degree in Environmental Economics from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia). Website